
General Information

Full Name José Manuel de Frutos
Languages Spanish, French, English


  • 2023 -
    Phd Student in Machine Learning and Bayesian Filtering
    University Carlos III of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    • Researcher DL Model Applied to filtering Methods
    • Development of Bayesian filtering methods using Deep Learning methods
      • ParticleFilter, Bayesian filtering, deep learning, generative models
      • Python (pyTorch, Jax), Julia (Flux)
      • Papers publications (AIStats2024)
  • 2020 - 2023
    Full Stack Software Engineer
    Devo inc
    • R&D Software Engineer. Interactive searches team for logs management.
    • Performed and improve handling of queries
    • Implemented new mathematical operations for logs management
      • JavaScript, Java8, Nodejs, Jest, Mocha, Sql, ANTLR4
  • Summer 2019
    Graduate Research on Soft Computing
    University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain
    • Reduced of sql databases using soft computing algorithms and concept lattices
  • Summer 2018
    CERN Openlab Internship
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • Designed and implement a new configuration management tool for the IT-CM-LCS group
    • Ruby, Python,Puppet, Ansible, Grafana
  • Summer 2018
    Severo Ochoa aid program - Introduction to Research
    Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT)
    • Developed of fluid dynamics algorithms using Dedalus, PyMPI.
  • 2017 - 2018
    Software Engineer
    European Southern Observatory, Antofagasta, Chile
    • Installed Datalab for Observatory Logs, store 1 petabytes per day. Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Kairosdb, Puppet.
    • Installed and managed Data Analytic tools. ELK, Jupyter, Grafana, Kibana.
    • Set up security architecture Reverse-Proxy Nginx.
    • Coded anomaly detection algorithms for the detection of instrumental failures. Pandas, TensorFlow.
    • Performed Data ingestion, extraction and load (ETL), Boosted by 1000x. Python3, Bash.
    • Data Visualization. Matplotlib, Bokeh, Plotly.
    • Advice on the new Hardware acquisition, a budget of 40K Euros


  • 2020
    Master's degree
    University Autónoma of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    • Stochastic processes and Advanced statistics
    • Numerical methods and Advanced PDEs
    • Master's thesis on the mathematical foundations of image segmentation
  • 2018
    Double Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science
    University Autónoma of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    • Foundations of mathematics and Computer Science
    • PDEs, Numerical Methods, Statisitics, AI-ML, Algorithm analysis
    • C/C++, Java, Python.
    • Bachelor thesis geometric measure theory
  • 2016
    Internacional exchange program
    École Polytechnique, Paris, France
    • Mathematics, Computer Science and Economy


  • 2023 -
    Machine Learning II
    University Carlos III of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    • Bachelor in Data Science Engineering, Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (English)
    • Tutoring foreign students
  • 2024 -
    Statistical Signal Processing
    University Carlos III of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
    • Tutoring foreign students

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Basketball, travel, reading good books!