Quick Start Guide
After installing the package, you can immediately start experimenting with the examples provided in the examples/
directory. These examples are designed to help you understand how to apply the package for different statistical learning tasks, including learning 1-D distributions and time series prediction.
Learning 1-D distributions
The following example demonstrates how to learn a 1-D distribution from a benchmark dataset. It utilizes a simple neural network architecture for both the generator and the discriminator within the context of an Invariant Statistical Learning (ISL) framework.
# Example file: examples/Learning1d_distribution/benchmark_unimodal.jl
using ISL # Import the ISL module
include("../utils.jl") # Include necessary utilities
@test_experiments "N(0,1) to N(23,1)" begin
# Define the generator and discriminator networks with ELU activation
gen = Chain(Dense(1, 7), elu, Dense(7, 13), elu, Dense(13, 7), elu, Dense(7, 1))
# Set up the noise and target models
noise_model = Normal(0.0f0, 1.0f0)
target_model = Normal(4.0f0, 2.0f0)
n_samples = 10000
# Configure the hyperparameters for the ISL
hparams = AutoISLParams(;
max_k=10, samples=1000, epochs=1000, η=1e-2, transform=noise_model
# Prepare the dataset and the loader for training
train_set = Float32.(rand(target_model, hparams.samples))
loader = Flux.DataLoader(train_set; batchsize=-1, shuffle=true, partial=false)
# Train the model using the ISL
auto_invariant_statistical_loss(gen, loader, hparams)
# Visualize the learning results
x -> quantile.(-target_model, cdf(noise_model, x)),
Time Series
This section showcases two examples: predicting a univariate time series with an AutoRegressive model and forecasting electricity consumption. These examples illustrate the application of ISL for time series analysis.
- Example 1: AutoRegressive Model Prediction
@test_experiments "testing AutoRegressive Model 1" begin
# --- Model Parameters and Data Generation ---
# Define AR model parameters
ar_hparams = ARParams(;
ϕ=[0.5f0, 0.3f0, 0.2f0], # Autoregressive coefficients
x₁=rand(Normal(0.0f0, 1.0f0)), # Initial value from a Normal distribution
proclen=2000, # Length of the process
noise=Normal(0.0f0, 0.2f0), # Noise in the AR process
# Define the recurrent and generative models
recurrent_model = Chain(RNN(1 => 10, relu), RNN(10 => 10, relu))
generative_model = Chain(Dense(11, 16, relu), Dense(16, 1, identity))
# Generate training and testing data
n_series = 200 # Number of series to generate
loaderXtrain, loaderYtrain, loaderXtest, loaderYtest = generate_batch_train_test_data(
n_series, ar_hparams
# --- Training Configuration ---
# Define hyperparameters for time series prediction
ts_hparams = HyperParamsTS(;
η=1e-3, # Learning rate
window_size=1000, # Size of the window for prediction
K=10, # Hyperparameter K (if it has a specific use, add a comment)
# Train model and calculate loss
loss = ts_invariant_statistical_loss_one_step_prediction(
recurrent_model, generative_model, loaderXtrain, loaderYtrain, ts_hparams
# --- Visualization ---
# Plotting the time series prediction
collect(loaderXtrain)[2], # Extract the first batch for plotting
collect(loaderXtest)[2], # Extract the first batch for plotting
n_average=1000, # Number of predictions to average
- Example 2: Electricity Consumption Forecasting
The databases used are not included in the repository. To access them, please consult the reference in the paper.
@test_experiments "testing electricity-c" begin
# Data loading and preprocessing
csv_file_path = "examples/time_series_predictions/data/LD2011_2014.txt"
# Specify custom types for certain columns to ensure proper data handling
column_types = Dict(
"MT_005" => Float32,
"MT_006" => Float32,
"MT_007" => Float32,
"MT_008" => Float32,
"MT_168" => Float32,
"MT_333" => Float32,
"MT_334" => Float32,
"MT_335" => Float32,
"MT_336" => Float32,
"MT_338" => Float32,
df = DataFrame(
CSV.File(csv_file_path; delim=';', header=true, decimal=',', types=column_types)
# Hyperparameters setup
hparams = HyperParamsTS(; seed=1234, η=1e-2, epochs=2000, window_size=1000, K=10)
# Model definition
rec = Chain(RNN(1 => 3, relu), RNN(3 => 3, relu))
gen = Chain(Dense(4, 10, identity), Dense(10, 1, identity))
# Training and testing data setup
start, num_training_data, num_test_data = 35040, 35040, 1000
# Aggregate time series data for training and testing
selected_columns = [
loader_xtrain, loader_ytrain, loader_xtest = aggregate_time_series_data(
df, selected_columns, start, num_training_data, num_test_data
# Model training
losses = []
@showprogress for _ in 1:100
loss = ts_invariant_statistical_loss(
rec, gen, loader_xtrain, loader_ytrain, hparams
append!(losses, loss)
# Forecasting
τ = 24
xtrain = collect(loaderXtrain)[1]
xtest = collect(loaderXtest)[1]
prediction, stds = ts_forecast(
rec, gen, xtrain, xtest, τ; n_average=1000, noise_model=Normal(0.0f0, 1.0f0)
Prediction τ = 24 (1 day)
Prediction τ = 168 (7 days)